The grief ministry is a sharing and healing group designed to help you through the difficulties of the grieving process. We come together to share stories and methods to better understand grief and loss.
Meets the first Thursday of the month.
For more information, contact:
Ralph or Linda Grieco
St. John the Baptist's Ministers of Care bring Christ's Body, His Word and His Presence to homebound parishioners and those living within our parish boundaries.
The homebound person may be unable to attend church for various reasons, including illness, recuperation or home hospice. A typical visit is approximately 30 minutes once a week. The Diocese of Joliet requires a Care Minister to have been a Eucharistic Minister and complete the Minister of Care training. The only skills necessary are to be a caring person, a good listener, respectful of God's people and their dignity, and want to share a bit of Christ's love.
For more information, contact
Shirley Axelson
The prayer line group prays for the needs of the parish and parishioners. When you join our group, you will receive an email with the requests, and we kindly ask you to add them to your daily prayers. Additionally, we take requests for the prayer line.
For more information, contact:
Shirley Axelson