St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Leading Souls to Heaven

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Leading Souls to Heaven

0S233 Church Street

Winfield, IL 60190

Parish Office: 630.668.0918

National Ministries

Knights of Columbus     
Society of St. Vincent DePaul     
Council of Catholic Women     
Catholics for Life

Knights of Columbus

founded in charity, unity and fraternity

We are the St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish committee of the national organization of the Knights of Columbus. A main focus of our organization involves raising funds for various charities outside of the parish.

KOC members volunteer time and talents for the church at various events. Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. Please join us! Time commitment is approximately four hours per month for active members.

For more information, contact

Sean Conley

or visit the local Knights website:

Join us for our Pancake Breakfast events happening the 1st Sunday of every month after 7:30 & 9:30 Mass!

 For information or to place an order for the fish fry, please click here

Society of St. Vincent DePaul

“A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”

The Society of St. Vincent DePaul provides the parish and its community access to our food pantry five days a week. We also perform home visits to provide financial assistance to needy individuals and their families.

At Thanksgiving and Christmas, we coordinate and distribute baskets to needy families by asking the St. John's  parishioners to adopt-a-family. 

Volunteer time commitment is approximately 10 hours per week once a month.

For more information, contact

Jim Effinger

Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

supporting, empowering, and educating Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service

The CCW members volunteer time and talents for the church, the needy, and at various activities.

They have various meetings and events from September through May.

Time commitment varies with each activity.

For more information, contact

Sheila Hornyak

Catholics for Life

Respect and protect life

Catholics for Life help parishioners be informed, pray, and act to restore respect and legal protection for every human life at all stages.

The time commitment varies throughout the year. For example, State and Federal legislation information concerning Life issues is available through an email network, and we are asked to respond to these "Action Alerts" via phone calls or emails; help is needed on service projects to help mothers and babies in need; and we are encouraged to participate in several prayer events annually.

At this time we do not have regular meetings. You can tailor your commitment to your time and desire to help. 

For more information, contact

Linda LeBreux

0S233 Church Street
Winfield, IL 60190
P: 630.668.0918 F: 630.668.1074

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