St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Leading Souls to Heaven

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Leading Souls to Heaven

0S233 Church Street

Winfield, IL 60190

Parish Office: 630.668.0918


Altar Servers

Children in fifth grade or higher assist the priest at Mass
on a rotating schedule.

Training is required.

For more information, contact:

Mike Berger

Extraordinary Ministers

of Holy Communion

 Distribute communion at weekend Masses and on Holy Days on a rotating basis. Training is required.

For more information, contact:

Mike Berger


Ministers of the Word will proclaim the Word of God to the assembly. Lectors serve on a rotating schedule, at least one Mass per month. Training is required.

For more information, contact:

Mike Berger


Cantors lead the parish congregation in song and liturgy during weekday and weekend Masses. Contact us to share your gift of music with the church!

For more information, contact:

Mike Berger


 Ushers assist with preparing the church for Mass, collecting the offertory, and seating at Mass.
Time commitment is 20-30 minutes before and after Mass.

For more information, contact:

Ron "Butch" Hansen



Greeters provide greetings to parishioners and visitors before Saturday and Sunday Masses on a rotating schedule. Time Commitment is 15-20 minutes before the start of Mass.

For more information, contact:

Mike Berger

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is being in the presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament - the real living Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Consecrated Host.

When you enter the church or chapel at St. John's, you can tell He is present in the Tabernacle when the candle is burning. We adore Jesus simply to be with Him, talk with Him, and to establish or continue a friendship with Jesus. We "talk" to Jesus. We tell Him what is on our minds and in our hearts.

Everyone adores a little differently - reading from a spiritual book or the Bible, praying with the Rosary, meditating or simply being with Him. Don't forget to be silent so when He speaks to you, He will be "heard." He may place the answer within your thoughts, through the Bible, or maybe He will just be with you in silence.

Many people leave with a joyful smile, peace-filled heart, or a bit less sad if that is where they were at that time. 

 You don't need to sign up, just come as you are, ready to be present with our God. Oh, and don't forget to thank Jesus. He appreciates that too.

Weekly Adoration is offered Thursdays following the 8:15 am Mass & Rosary, until 8 p.m. in the Chapel.

For more information, contact:

 Leslie Wicker

630-390-7258 (call or text)

Learn More

0S233 Church Street
Winfield, IL 60190
P: 630.668.0918 F: 630.668.1074

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