The prayer line works together to pray for others. Simply submit a prayer request on the form below, and they will receive an email to pray for your loved one. If you would like to learn more or join the prayer line, please email
Please fill out the form below to submit a prayer line request.
Thank you for contacting us with your prayer request.
If you have someone who needs prayers, is sick, or has passed away, please contact us at the parish office to be listed in our church bulletin and on the website. Due to the volume of requests we receive, we will list names for two months to ensure each person is given appropriate attention. To extend the time frame or have a name removed, please contact the parish office.
Anita Venard
Britney Prehn
Desiree Sheppard
Helen Payne
Lawrence Campbell
Lynn Kadolph
Dave Kadolph
Marino Verdico
Luke Hogan
St. John the Baptist's Ministers of Care bring Christ's Body, His Word and His community's presence to homebound parishioners and those living within our parish boundaries.
The homebound person may not be able to get to church on a weekly basis, may have just gotten out of the hospital and is recuperating or has gone into hospice care. A typical visit may take approximately thirty minutes once a week.
The Diocese requires is that you are or have been a Eucharistic Minister and complete the Minister of Care training. If you are a caring person, good listener, respectful of God's people and their dignity and want to share a bit of Christ's love, you have the qualities for making a great Minister of Care.
For more information, contact:
Shirley Axelson